Utvikler av innovative


for nettbutikker

Siden etablering i 2018, har vi vært drevet av innovasjon og en dedikasjon til brukervennlighet. Vårt mål å hjelpe din nettbutikk, strømlinjeforme dine operasjoner og berike handleopplevelsen for dine kunder ved hjelp av våre plugins for WooCommerce og Elementor.
— WooCommerce Partner Siden 2019 —


styrker e-handelssynergi

Hos Consortia er vi dedikerte til å forbedre din nettbaserte virksomhet gjennom våre spesialiserte WooCommerce og Elementor-plugins. Ved å kombinere innovasjon med funksjonalitet, er våre verktøy designet for å forenkle komplekse prosesser, heve brukeropplevelsen og drive vekst. Som din partner i det konkurransepregete digitale landskapet, forstår vi e-handelens intrikate detaljer og ønsker å hjelpe deg med å lykkes bedre. Med Consortia’s plugins kan du låse opp synergien og fremme din e-handelssuksess.

Denne populære utvidelsen gjør det enkelt å redigere de hyppigst oppdaterte verdiene for dine produkter og varianter. Bruk det kjente tabell grensesnittet til å endre verdier som lager, priser, SKU, tagger, bilder og størrelser. Bulk Table Editor er optimalisert for raskt å konfigurere og administrere salg. Takket være det brede spekteret av funksjonalitet lar Bulk Table Editor deg jobbe med store grupper av produkter like enkelt som om de var enkeltelementer.

Produkt rating:

Pick List gjør ordrehåndtering enkel og feilfri. For å effektivt spore og verifisere varer, bruk strekkodeskanning og QR-koder. Denne utvidelsen forbedrer prosessene dine fra lager til klient og reduserer plukkefeil. Bedrifter som ønsker å øke produktiviteten og nøyaktigheten vil finne Pick List perfekt. Brukerne kan få oppdateringer i sanntid, samt utvidelsen er mobiloptimalisert. Oppdag en rask, pålitelig ordre håndtering som garanterer tilfredshet og lojalitet fra kunden.

Produkt rating:

Bulk Category Editor lar deg enkelt legge til, oppdatere og slette kategorier i bulk. Du kan også sette, legge til og fjerne kategorier på produkter. Inkludert finner du også et produkt filter for bruk i nettbutikken, filter på kategorier, attributter, pris samt søkefunksjon. Filteret kan du enkelt bruke i dine maler (støtter Elementor og andre).

Produkt rating:

Essential E-Commerce er en Elementor og WooCommerce plugin. Den inneholder en rekke add-ons som: produkt tabell, produkt grid, kategori grid og karusell, nedtellings timer, produkt verdier, property toggle, stjerne rating og andre funksjoner som man ofte trenger når man setter opp en nettbutikk.  


Legg til varekost, margin og profit på dine produkter. Gjør bulk oppdateringer på varekost, profitt, pris, lager og mye mer. Utnytt de populære salgs rapportene for å se din inntjening og marginer.

Produkt rating:

Optimaliser B2B- og B2C-operasjonene dine med Roles & Rules B2B, en dynamisk plugin for WooCommerce. Skreddersy butikken din med rollespesifikke priser, rabatter og momsfritak, og skap en sømløs, privat handleopplevelse for ulike kundesegmenter. Denne plugin-en forenkler kunderolleadministrasjon og forbedrer brukerregistrering, noe som gjør det enklere å tilby tilpassede tilbud og kampanjer. Med detaljert kontroll over priser og synlighet, er roller og regler B2B avgjørende for butikker som ønsker å imøtekomme effektivt både detalj- og grossistkunder.

Produkt rating:

Trenger du å liste produkter i en responsiv tabell? I tillegg gjør Bulk Shop det enkelt for dine kunder å bulk handle både produkter og variasjoner. Bulk Shop passer også fint inn i B2B løsninger med rollebaserte priser.

Produkt rating:

Hva sier våre kunder?

Oppdag hvordan våre plugins har transformert e-handelsbedrifter som din. Les gjennom anmeldelsene fra våre fornøyde kunder og se den virkelige effekten av våre løsninger. Hver stjerne og attest reflekterer vårt engasjement for din suksess.

Roles & Rules B2B
Verified customer
Les mer
Great and FAST presale support! Working great with Product Bundles too. Discounts can be excluded by rule....so great. Easy to setup.
Bulk Table Editor
Verified customer
Les mer
Great plugin, saves a lot of time.
Pick List for WooCommerce
Work very well and great compatibility w/ other plugins
Les mer
This is a great plugin. It automatically will change the order status when picking starts and ends. You can print packing slips and pick lists that include QR codes that link back to the order for the customer and for the admin. You can also control what orders go to the pick list based on the order status. In addition I love that you can control picking for local pickup orders. I recommend this plugin because it works well with other plugins and the support is great.
Bulk Table Editor
A perfect plugin for what it does!
Les mer
This plugins has been an immense help with its functionality and simple use. Recently we asked the support for a specific feature and after few days a new update with new implementation has been released, which is amazing! We've been using the plugin for some years and it always works smoothly especially when it comes down to product databases and ours has hundreds of products and variations. The support responds quick and aims to help right away, which is one of the most important factors to us.
Bulk Table Editor
Best plugin for bulk pricing adjustments and discounts
Les mer
I tried several plugins and had many compatibility issues with other plugins and services. This plugin works well, and it's really easy to change prices by percentage or fixed amounts. The support is also very responsive. There are a few extra features I would like to see in the future, but the author was open to adding these in the future.
Pick List
Does what it promisse
Les mer
I have been looking for a long time for just a module for my employee to minimize errors when picking an order. This module is simple and functional. But especially worth noting is the module support. They answer quickly, help you set up or fix it, and most importantly, they are ready to implement your ideas. Since there were some comments on the functionality of the module, which was implemented very quickly. In general I recommend it. and developers just don’t stop and continue creating quality content.
Roles & Rules B2B
Verified customer
Les mer
Exactly what we were looking for, perfect for our B2B webshop where different customer groups have different pricing. Developer was very helpful in getting us up and running, and listened carefully to feedback. Also made some quick changes and additions right away. Would recommend both the product and its developer in a heartbeat. You will be in safe hands.
Pick List for WooCommerce
Responsive developer
Les mer
So initially I was not going to write a good review! As the plugin had a jqeury conflict that made it unusable on my website / theme. However the developer has been very responsive, so I waited…through a few email exchanges Consortia has now fixed any jquery conflict issues. I’m so glad that I waited. The plugin is great for assigning picking users, printing pick lists, packing slips, and best of all they have a barcode scanner which I managed to link on a phone / ipad app to scan (which is great for packing accuracy).The interface well designed and user friendly -the developers is open to feedback + improvement. This is definitely worth the subscription, highly recommend. Look forward to the plugins further updates - P.S. would love to see a collated way to export the pick lists as a pdf. Thank you 🙏
Bulk Category Editor
A Powerful, Reliable, and Professional Plugin with Outstanding Customer Support
Les mer
The Bulk Category Editor is a powerhouse of a plugin! It's strong, powerful, and reliable, making it an essential tool for managing categories effectively. What truly sets it apart is the exceptional level of professionalism demonstrated by the team behind it. Their friendly and responsive customer support has been invaluable to me. I highly recommend this plugin to anyone looking to streamline their category management tasks.
Bulk Table Editor
Verified customer
Les mer
Customer Support - I downloaded this yesterday and saw immediately that Product Variations weren't easy to udpate as the editor didn't show product labels. I raised a support ticket and within 6 hours, Tom, from Consortia support responded and tasked his programmers with my issue. Almost immediately they recoded and released an update that works well. Great support, thank you. Adam
Bulk Shop
Verified customer
Les mer
This plugin does exactly what you expect it to do. Many configuration options to the display the bulk list on your page. Is compatible with product prices by user role, so that the logged-in customer with a roll sees different prices than the normal customer. We have the Avada theme which does a lot with CSS itself, which destroyed the layout on the mobile in portrait mode. When you contact support you will not only be helped quickly as well but they helped me until they have fixed it for me! So for both the tool and support MAXIMUM score.
Bulk Shop
Verified customer
Les mer
Great Product, easy to use and very helpful support. I had a element that needed to be changed, for this I contacted support, They got back to me within the hour, they had my issue fixed in a matter of hours. When I contacted support, they knew exactly what i needed and how to implement it. Quite often dealing with other product support services, they can lead you down a path of total frustration, but not with these guys, quick and easy and to the point I would highly recommend this plugin to anyone who is needing a bulk or wholesale shop.
Cost & Reports
Verified customer
Les mer
Cost & Reports for WooCommerce is going to save my client lots of work updating their product prices. We had a couple of queries unique to our data which Tommy was very quick to respond to, rolling out an update with new features specifically solving our issues. Thank you.
Bulk Table Editor
Verified customer
Les mer
Good plugin what saves you a lot of time! There are two things that could perhaps be improved. These are customising what punctuation mark you want for SKU generator and also more options of what you want to show. For example, always show the numbers and then choose which letters to go with them. Apart from that it is a top program, works great!
Bulk Shop
Verified customer
Les mer
This is a great plugin. We use it for our sales reps to be able to order quickly on behalf of their clients. The support is phenomenal and because our business has a unique business model, a feature request was made and the developer jumped on it. There are few WordPress plugin developers out there that support like this one.
Bulk Shop
Love it, awesome support!
Les mer
Really love Bulk Shop for Woocommerce, Easy to use plugin, it does what is says and absolutely great and quick support.
Roles & Rules B2B
I recommend this plugin !
Les mer
For all needs of changing roles / managing prices depending on roles, this plugin does a great job. Not only it is easy to use and setup but the support is very quick and effective : I encountered a conflict with another plugin (which can happend), I sent a message to the dev in the evening, got an answer in the morning with a solution : problem solved in a matter of minutes. Great plugin, great support.
Cost & Reports
Verified customer
Les mer
Everything works like advertised, we are happy with the add-on. We had a small inquiry and were extremely satisfied with the speed and quality of the customer service.
Bulk Table Editor
Verified customer
Les mer
It is easy to use but very complete. Very powerful, you can make changes to hundreds of articles with just 1 click, without consuming a lot of server resources. I had a problem with one of the updates and they fixed it right away. I am delighted with the technical support. I wish I had discovered this sooner, it's amazing how much time is saved with this bulk actions.
Bulk Table Editor
Excellent plugin & support
Les mer
This plugin is very well developed by Consortia and offers a very practical, fast and easy way to update pricing data in bulk. I couldn't live without this tool any more after using it for about two years now and I strongly appreciate the very fast & helpful support offered by their developer Tommy. Very highly recommended!
Bulk Category Editor
Responsive support, did the job
Les mer
Support was very responsive to my enhancement suggestions. Now it's a piece of cake for me to do bulk adds and removes from my featured category.
Bulk Category Editor
Saves me a lot of time
Les mer
Buiding a new structure for my webshop this editor has saved me a lot of time. Documentation is complete and I got speedy answer when I had a question.