Unlock the full potential of your store with our powerful role-based management plugin. Whether you’re operating a B2B or B2C store, Roles & Rules B2B offers a seamless solution to manage customer roles and pricing rules. Forget complex pricing structures and focus on delivering the best discounts and offers to your customers effortlessly.
Roles & Rules B2B allows you to add and delete roles. When creating roles, you can select capabilities to. You will again find these in the table, which also gives you the opportunity to delete roles you do not use. The roles are used for many things, including assigning roles to your customers such as B2B roles. In addition, you create rules per role and can use the roles in the registration form and more.
Set up a general rule or as many specific rules for categories as you want. You can set up different rules such as percentages in discounts, set category on sale or hide category and category products. With these powerful category settings, you will now have full control of your wholesale / B2B and B2C store.
In the general tab there is an option for storewide sale for any chosen role. Setting up a sale is easy, just click “reduce price” by percent, set a start/end date for the sale, if you like start/end time also. When the sale starts, it shows just like any other sale in your store with sales badges and sales text. The sale option enables you to have different sales for different roles whenever it suits you.
Set rules for any product or any variant in your store. Use the convenient product search or dropdown (select by category) and add products to the rule list. Set pricing rules such as: increase or decrease the price in percent or set a fixed price for your product. The product list includes a handy image magnifier, product current price as well as various ways to set the right price for this customer role. The products you have selected a rule and set a value for automatically become active, in an active role.
Set up dynamic price rules for your products or category. You can also combine a rule on i.e a product that have 10% discount but if the customer buys 3 or more he gets 20% discount. Dynamic price rules is set up discount in percent, fixed value or fixed price. In settings you can set up dynamic labels for these and font size, colour and background colour.
Roles & Rules B2B works as a hybrid for both B2B and B2C customers. The store will function as normal for guest users (B2C), they get your regular prices, but you can also activate Guest user as a role in Roles & Rules and give dynamic prices etc. to these. For B2B customers, you will easily be able to create roles, create price rules, set up sales in categories, storewide sales and create your own texts for prices and control items that B2B customers will only receive prices excluding VAT.
Roles & Rules B2B relies on your regular product prices for all the calculations, This means that when you show your prices in i.e the B2B store the customer sees the regular price and your B2B price; like this: $40.00 – $30.00. (default setting). There are several options for prices i.e add text after retail price, show reduction in percent and more.
You can hide prices and shop functionality using the Private store checkbox in the Roles & Rules B2B settings. You can also add text instead of having empty prices, for example: Login to view prices. If the hide prices option is in use, your shop will act as a product catalog for non logged in users and users with no active rule(s).
You can easily use coupons and attach them to a rule. You can give extra discounts if the customer buys for a certain amount or you want to offer free shipping or something else. Each rule has a drop-down box with your coupons, here you will also find a button to edit these, or create new ones if you need it. The coupons are automatically added to the shopping cart and at check-out.
Roles & Rules B2B is built with the user in mind. Every rule is easy to set up and adjust. The information added gives you the count of users for every role and a large amount of easily accessible information.
Easily create a register form on “My account” page using Roles & Rules. In addition to add the fields you need (set up in settings) we added an option to prevent automatic login on registration. We also added a type of role that you can use that gives the users no rights (for better security), more on how to set this up in documentation.
In Roles & Rules settings you will find the section: Registration form. In this section you can enable form fields like: first name, last name, company, phone, address lines, city, country and user roles. In addition we added the option to prevent automatic login on registration and other security features.
Review in WP Mayor here: https://wpmayor.com/roles-and-rules-b2b-review/
This extension is only available for purchase at WooCommerce.com. This means you will be able to update your extensions directly in WooCommerce admin. Support is handled exclusively by the Consortia support team.
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